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  • 【夏休み特別企画〜英語でサイエンス〜】 たべものの味を変えてしまうふしぎな果物で、舌のひみつを探ろう!Let’s Discover the Science Hidden by Taste!
2018.06.03 イベントバイオディスカバリーラボ

【夏休み特別企画〜英語でサイエンス〜】 たべものの味を変えてしまうふしぎな果物で、舌のひみつを探ろう!Let’s Discover the Science Hidden by Taste!




日程 2018年7月25日(水) 13:00〜15:00(2時間)
対象 小学3~6年生(対象外の学年のお子さんも応相談。お問い合わせください)
募集人数 12名
場所 東京都新宿区下宮比町1-4 飯田橋御幸ビル4階(飯田橋駅徒歩3分)株式会社リバネス 知識創業研究センター Biotech Lab
費用 5000円/人
お申込み イベントレジスト


お問合せ:TEL 03-5227-4198(担当:井上 [email protected]

(English explanation is following; )

Let’s discover the hidden molecules behind taste and how to change them using miraculin, a special protein from the S. dulcificum berry.

Why is sugar sweet and lemon sour? Normally, molecules like sugar touch our tongue and turn special “sweet” receptors on. This makes the sensation of “sweetness” in our brains. But, the miraculin molecule has a special power. It changes shape when it turns on the receptor. What will happen to our sense of taste? Let’s use the Miraculin berry to discover how molecules from the outside world turn on different receptors in our bodies to make sensations like taste.

Later, we’ll learn about how scientists visualize the way molecules talk to receptors. We’ll try out a few of these methods ourselves as we begin to discover the whole hidden world of molecules within our bodies everyday!


Highlights of the program

  • Learn about advanced molecular biology in English
  • Be curious about how everyday sensations like taste are made
  • Practice working with an international team of scientists



Date and time: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 13:00 to 15:00 (2 hours)
participants: Elementary school 3rd to 6th graders (recommended)
Capacity: 12 people
place: 4th Floor, Iidabashi-Miyuki Building No. 1 No. 4 Shimogi-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0822

(Access here is https://lne.st/about-us/access/ )

cost: 5000 yen / person
Application: Please fill out this form

*This program will be done in English with Japanese support available.

Program Flow

  • How does taste work? (Introduction to molecules & receptors)
    • Experiment: Students design their own hypotheses and taste experiments, discuss outcomes, present findings
  • How do we visualize molecules and receptors talking to each other?
    • Let’s try out some computer programs that scientists use!
  • Big picture: Why do we study this molecular world?
    • Discovering hidden world of perception


TEL 03-5227-4198 (Contact: Inoue [email protected] )


[email protected]